POC Blog

The random technotheolosophical blogging of Reid S. Monaghan

Evolve the Blog

I'​​ve never considered myself much of a "blogger" in the sociological sense. I don't obey the rules that make a blog great (post all the time, write short posts, focus the content, develop an audience, don't do anything else but be a blogger) and hence my blog is average at best. I do try to write substantial and thoughtful stuff in this world and I usually throw it up here.  So the ole Power of Change ​continues onward...it began as a Notepad coded site in 1996, morphed into several designs over the years, switched to a blogger blog in 2004, moved over to Movable Type for a while, then to Squarespace 5 a few years back. You can see pics and more on that here.

Today, Squarespace 6 gave me impetus to play around again and do a new design. It is simple, scales dynamically to mobile/tablets and was fun putting together.  I've added back some content I developed during my campus ministry years for all the friends who ask for those from time to time.  The graphic design is a bit aged on those but I think the content still helpful...and to be honest, with some of the design work I've seen in churches there is still stuff out there that looks worse. ​

The blogging about whatever shall continue by God's grace - mostly on random theological, personal, technological and philosophical stuff that crosses the mind and needs to get out somewhere.​  Blessings guys.